Cool trailer, huh! Wish I had done it. Wish I could have done it. Gives me chills each time I see it. Computers generated anything, except for words, is beyond me.
One thing about Libertarians; they tend to be writers, wordsmiths, and talkers. Maybe they just have so much to say. Maybe they are, as a group, more intelligent. Maybe they turn to words, printed and spoken, because they tend, again as a group, to be loners and outcasts. For whatever reason, even those who I know to be quite social and quite capable socially seem to be great wordsmiths. There are the David Bergland types (Libertarianism in One Lesson), who use words as a living. And there are authors like L. Neil Smith, Ayn Rand, and John Berntson (Lifeboats), who use words to weave marvelous tales. There are scientists among the libertarian movement who publish their take on the science of the day even if it is not the popular view. For instance, Terry Donze (Climate Realism) wrote on the 'wrong' side of the climate debate. (I loved all the science in that book. I hate hysteria but I can deal with facts, even those I don't like.) And speech writers and speech makers like Michael Cloud use words to persuade, prove and convince.
Whatever the reason, libertarians seem to be above average when it comes to the use of words. I have read books by all of the people I've mentioned with the exception of Ayn Rand. All have been entertaining and most have left me wanting more. But I am a fiction reader by nature, so I love a good fiction novel that also teaches me things about life, love, and of course politics - that thing that everyone wants to talk about but are afraid they would be drop-kicked out of class, church, and card games if they did. Not only am I a fiction reader, I love a good science fiction. L. Neil Smith did tons of interesting science fiction. John Berntson's science fiction book Lifeboats was so fun I went after another book of his. One of my favorite authors, of course, is Michele Poague. Her recent science fiction trilogy is a balanced view of three different societies. As she says, "Any political philosophy is perfect in a given moment...but moments are fleeting.” This is fascinating to me as a libertarian since we believe our free market/ personal responsibility philosophy is the best.
Right now Michele is doing a blog tour and has a interesting raffle going. You can enter it at the end of this post. I thought I would include a description of her books and a couple of comments from other readers. If you want to dip your toe into science fiction or want to explore what happens when three societies collide, take a look at The Healing Crystal trilogy. I have included guest posts by two of my favorite people, right after the trailer. Don't forget to enter the raffle, too!
Guest Post by Leah and Beth
When I first was asked to do this guest review, I was a bit hesitant because I am a very to the point person. I have trouble coming up with more than a line or two. However, a line or two of honesty is better than a whole paragraph of fluff. Beth offered to lend her thoughts. Here we have an introduction to Healing Crystal Trilogy, including our reactions.
The Healing Crystal Trilogy is a science fiction epic about lost technology, the morality of power and the creation of religious and political philosophy.
In Book One, Heir to Power, we meet Kairma, heir to the Healing Crystal and destined to become the leader of Survin, a reclusive colony hidden in the mountains for more than four hundred years. Kairma and her closest friends discover a tomb containing artifacts from the Ancient Ones, leading them all on a quest to find the true purpose of the Crystal.
Leah’s thoughts:
I loved it! I couldn't put it down until I finished it. Now I can't wait for the next one. If you love fiction of any kind, sci-fi, adventure, fantasy, you'll love this.
I enjoyed "Heir to Power" better than the Harry Potter books. Seriously....I did.
Beth’s thoughts:
Fantastic book. I thoroughly enjoyed being lost within this story. All the characters were very likeable and so well described it was like watching a movie in my mind.
In Book Two, Fall of Eden, we find ourselves asking, "What is the Healing Crystal and who is the rightful heir? Is it a religious object or a powerful weapon? Does it belong to a fallen line of kings or to the colonists of Survin? Should its fate be left in the hands of the young and inexperienced Kairma or to Narvin, the last descendent of a line of kings?"
Kairma holds the Crystal and believes she will become the next leader of Survin, while her younger sister Kinter, believes she, not Kairma, is the rightful heir. Narvin believes the Healing Crystal is the Star of Genesis, a powerful relic his ancestors have been seeking for centuries.
Kairma holds the Crystal and believes she will become the next leader of Survin, while her younger sister Kinter, believes she, not Kairma, is the rightful heir. Narvin believes the Healing Crystal is the Star of Genesis, a powerful relic his ancestors have been seeking for centuries.
Determined to possess the object that will return him to his glory, Narvin is unwavering in his quest to possess it, and Kairma is caught in a fierce race across barren deserts and rugged mountains to a shattering finish where the winner must decide the fate of the world.
Leah’s thoughts:
Loved. The characters are still strong and the book moves quickly.
Beth’s thoughts:
I couldn’t put the first two books down in this trilogy and enjoyed the stories immensely. Now I look longingly at book 3, Ransom, knowing that once I pick it up I will be again immersed in the lives and emotions of Kairma and the Survinees. I hesitate a bit to start because once I begin I know that within just a few days I will finish reading and my ties with these characters will have to come to an end.
In the exciting conclusion of The Healing Crystal Trilogy, Karima, bearing the weight of the most powerful object known to mankind, must choose between returning to Survin and blissful ignorance or trusting powerful strangers to create a new future. Will she make the right choice?
Leah’s thoughts:
I thoroughly enjoyed the Healing Crystal Trilogy. Since Ransom was the last book, I'm really disappointed there's not a fourth book. I did not want it to end!
Even though the series is considered fiction, it could very well be a prophecy of a post-apocalyptic America.
I'm looking forward to more books by Ms. Poague.
You guys need to write more often!